Dog bed medium size chopped foam: Mattress chopped foam Mimo Stroke Reversible
For pets that want comfort and their owners with ease.
Bed excellent for pets who seek to become your “nest” because their padding allows the scratch and the move to accommodate, without damage.
Is it a bed indoor, made with sleeves with zips U to not delay anything in them.
Our beds of crushed foam, beds to enjoy at home, made with a lot of care for pets that need to snuggle to rest.
The beds of crushed foam are long-lasting in time, resistant to bites and scratches (reversible and anti-slip to one side).
For one, it has the fabric anti-scratch and for the other upholstery fabrics teflonado, with a resistance to the peelling high.
Are developed by a foam mattress chopped memory foam and protected with a sleeve technique of TNT which is a tissue of long duration.
The mattress will incorporate other two covers are comfortable and washable so that you can put in the washing machine.
This double holster gives you a quick cleaning, and protection of the mattress for longer durability.
Is very versatile because you can use it at home or in a pet carrier.